報告題目:The influence of winter time boreal forest tree transmissivity on tree emission and passive microwave snow observations
報告人:李青寰 博士
邀請人:蔣玲梅 副教授
時 間:2019年11月18日(周一)9:00
地 點:北京師范大學生地樓180
李青寰博士于2019年5月畢業(yè)于加拿大滑鐵盧大學地理與環(huán)境管理學院,現任滑鐵盧大學地理與環(huán)境管理學院博士后。其主要研究方向為地表參數遙感反演以及植被、積雪和土壤的輻射傳輸過程。具體研究課題為森林地區(qū)相關地物的輻射傳輸過程以及森林地區(qū)積雪厚度和水雪當量反演。李青寰在博士期間參與日本航天局AMSR2地表積雪反演項目,主要研究森林地區(qū)的積雪反演以及AMSR2積雪產品的驗證工作;參與設計了位于芬蘭氣象局Sodankyl? Geophysical Observatory的植被亮溫觀測實驗。實驗結果表明在低溫狀況下,植物水分含量會因為結冰而降低,從而影響植被的輻射傳輸過程,并闡述了該現象對森林地區(qū)積雪反演的影響。。
Forest cover significantly attenuates natural upwelling ground microwave emission from seasonal terrestrial snow. This presents a major challenge for the accurate retrieval of snow from airborne or spaceborne passive microwave (PM) observations. Forest transmissivity is a key parameter describing tree emission because not only does it influence the proportion of sub-canopy upwelling microwave emission penetrating through the forest canopy, it also controls the forest thermal emission. Hence, it is a very important parameter for correcting the influence of forests on spaceborne or airborne observations of the Earth’s land surface. Under sub-zero temperatures, vegetation water content can be frozen influencing the microwave transmissivity of trees. Yet this phenomenon has not been verified through experimentation leaving significant uncertainty in tree emission modelling and spaceborne microwave observations. Therefore, a season-long experiment was designed to study this phenomenon. Ground-based radiometer observations of tree emission, spaceborne observations of forest emission, and model simulations of canopy emission were conducted during this experiment. In this presentation, we will discuss: 1) the influence of physical temperature on tree transmissivity; 2) the influence of the temperature-transmissivity relationship on the tree emission; 3) how the temperature-transmissivity relationship on the tree emission could influence the PM snow retrieval, and how to reduce its influence.
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